Please Ensure
The vehicle battery Must be fully charged
A Stable Power Supply MUST be connected
Scan Tool MUST be hardwaired to Modem
All Customer keys and Remotes MUST
be Present when Programming
PCM/ECM, BCM, & Immobilizer Systems
We will clear diagnostic trouble codes
such as ECM, TCM, SRS, BCM, ABS,
but cannot clear Hard Faults
If the vehicle has additional problems
diagnostics available for a per hour fee
Terms of Service
I agree that my shop or technician has checked for TSBs, module communication and or diagnostic trouble codes
and flow charts in advanced of requesting services.
By ordering this service I agree to pay Auto Flashers appropriate service fees regardless of
programming fixing vehicle issue.
I understand that Auto Flashers has not diagnosed and that I have requested this service based on shop techician's recommendation and diagnosis.